20 May 2020
NSW Department of Education
A guide to NSW school students returning to face-to- face learning
This guide is for parents and carers
Information has been updated as at 19 May 2020, until further notice.
Schools are safe and open for full time face-to-face learning
All schools are returning to full on-campus learning from Monday 25 May. All school activities and operations will be in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines as applicable. School students do not need to follow physical distancing guidelines, but should follow good hygiene practices like:
• Regularly washing hands
• Avoiding sharing drinks or food
• Coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately.
School attendance
All students should be at school unless:
• They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition
• They are currently unwell.
Students who have a medical certificate to stay at home will be supported to learn from home in line with regular procedures if they are able to. These regular procedures are different to what was offered during the learning from home period. If you require work to be provided to your child whilst they are at home due to an underlying health condition, you should contact the school for assistance.
Please note, students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the AHPPC, should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing.
If your child is unwell, do not send them to school. If they are unwell at school you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date.
If a student is absent without a medical reason for more than three days, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and followed up by the school.
If you need any support to get your child back to school, please contact your school.
Reporting and assessment
Your child has been assessed during the learning from home period and will receive additional assessment on their return to school.
You will receive your child’s semester 1 report before the end of August (week 6, Term 3).
This may be a simplified version of the report you normally receive. Schools are encouraged to discuss your child’s progress with you before the written report is issued.
School activities
Teachers will continue to follow the same school curriculum with the exception of some activities that can’t go ahead for now.
What children can do:
• Use the school library
• Engage in non-contact sporting activities
• Year 11 and 12 students may attend classes/activities relating to subjects available on other campuses
• VET work placement for Year 12 students is able to proceed from 1 June 2020. Year 10 and 11 work-placement is able to proceed from Term 3 2020.
• School based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation
• Trade Training Centres can operate on school sites.
What students can’t do:
• School assemblies (unless for critical information)
• School incursions and excursions including camps
• Work experience • Inter-school activities (debating, inter-school sport)
• In-school activities requiring parent or other volunteers
• Use hydrotherapy pools
• Drink from a water bubbler – bring a water bottle instead
• Students cannot attend TAFE for study but may continue to learn online.
School cleaning and hygiene supplies
Your school will receive additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC guidelines and advice from NSW Health. Targeted areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. There will also be additional cleaning of toilets and bubblers and topping up of supplies like soap.
Your school has received supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes and personal protective equipment. The school is able to order more as needed.
School grounds
There should be no visitors to school sites unless they are essential. Your school can provide guidance as to who is considered essential.
Your school will provide advice on drop off and pick up procedures.
Wherever possible, P&C and parent/carer/teacher meetings should be conducted virtually.
Canteens and uniform shops can open at the discretion of the principal.
Out of school hours care can continue to operate.
Community use of school facilities will recommence only for uses that are necessary for continuation of education and with principal’s approval.
Responding to COVID-19 cases
There is a clear plan in place for schools to respond to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our schools. We are working closely with NSW Health and will communicate with parents if a situation was to arise
education.nsw.gov.au May 2020