Tomaree Public School

Forward Together

Telephone02 4981 1444

Visitors to School

Parents and visitors on school grounds

This is a sensitive issue but one that parents need to be aware of. Tomaree Public School welcomes parents and friends onto our school site to participate in their child's learning, help out in classrooms, attend special functions and assemblies and a range of other reasons. However, parents and visitors must remember that schools are "Inclosed Lands" and therefore
certain protocols must be observed when on school grounds due to child protection laws, OH&S and safety and security regulations.

  • All parents and visitors must sign in at the office, wear a visitors badge and sign out when leaving. This includes classroom helpers and volunteers. The only exception is when parents are only dropping their child/children off or picking them up at normal school start and end times. Parents who wait for morning assembly to finish before leaving the grounds are also exempt but are expected to observe respect and quiet listening on the assembly.
  • Parents and visitors cannot interact with, reprimand or touch children other than their own without the permission of the other parent. If you have an issue with a student, you must report it to a teacher or the principal to follow up. If the issue continues, you may call the Maitland area office.
  •  Parents and visitors must act and speak appropriately when on the school grounds.
  • Parents cannot bring issues from the community or with other parents into the school grounds and engage in inappropriate discussions or language. These issues must be dealt with outside of the school.
  • There is no smoking allowed anywhere within the school grounds including the carpark.
  • Animals are not permitted on school grounds without permission from the principal. If students want to bring a pet for show and tell (news) – it needs to be prearranged, brought to school for the news item and taken home again.

Failure to respect the protocols or to behave in an aggressive manner, use inappropriate language or threaten staff or students can be dealt with under the provisions of the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901 (the Act). The powers available under the Act are wide and can significantly impact on people who might ordinarily have regular contact with the school. (from Legal Bulletin) Under the Act, offenders become trespassers and will be asked to leave the grounds. Consequences vary according to the nature of the breach of the Act but can include exclusion for periods of time, fines and legal action.

This Act is to protect staff and students and would only be imposed following a serious incident or complaint. Our school has a positive relationship with parents and it is rare that this Act needs to be referred to or implemented at our school.

In 2007, our school council developed a code of conduct for parents and an information pamphlet about approaching the school. It will be available on our website or you may request a copy from the office.

We hope that our parents continue to be respectful of the protocols and enjoy many happy occasions at the school with their children.

Please contact the principal if you wish to discuss any aspect of this Act further.